World Languages Posters
These three posters encompass the first project I did in my internship in 2015. My internship was with the World Language Center at BSU, and I completed this project with my co-intern, Miguel Ayala. The two of us along with our supervisor, Amber Hoye, designed posters to advertise the World Languages department. We wanted to show what kinds of things can be gained from studying another language, so we created different themes for each poster—one about gaining real-world skills, one about personal adventure, and one about making connections. We decided on symbols for each poster which include a suitcase, a passport, and a globe. I drew doodles to go over the photographs with a drawing tablet, and I also designed the stamps and stickers that are on the posters. Miguel laid out all of the elements in InDesign, and we finally finished after many drafts and revisions. This internship was definitely a worthwhile experience, and I learned how to brainstorm and design for people with others.